Importance of Emotional Health to Make Good Relation

The emotional health of any individual, irrespective of sex or age, refers to the person's mental constitution and disposition during some particular point of time. It is a completely qualitative measure that is a result of judgmental analysis, and cannot really be ascertained by physical means. However, it is conditional to a number of internal as well external factors, which help determine the mental constitution of a person. Usually, the emotional health of an individual directly responds to these factors, called stimuli, and so psychologists and scientists go about addressing these stimuli first in order to determine the emotional state of a person.

In order to know more about this phenomenon, one must first need to identify the factors that are present in any facet of the emotional health of a person. People who are called emotionally healthy individuals can make prudent, intelligent decisions free from emotional trappings, and can keep their emotions in check. In fact, an emotionally healthy person is also a supremely confident person, who is in control of his/her immediate environment at every step. Emotionally healthy people are in a position to offer their value-judgment on situations and challenges, because they are able to independently analyze and study each situation according to their individual merits.

Emotional health is usually not something that one needs to pay attention to only during contingent situations. Improving one's emotional well-being and stability requires a detailed, inspective program where one needs to be aware of his/her immediate environment. An awareness of one's surroundings would help the individual to bond with his/her surroundings, thereby developing a sort of symbiotic relationship. This promotes happiness, trust and satisfaction among the individual, helping him/her gain a better focus and perspective of life. Emotionally healthy people almost always show increased productivity and better coordination of individual resources, and can easily negate unhealthy emotions.

All of us, at some point in our lives, have experienced counter-productive or unhealthy emotions. Unhealthy emotions breed mistrust and pessimism, resulting in a general loss of self confidence and faith in one's own ability. Usually, the stimuli to negative emotions are always around us, and given proper training, are quite easy to identify. They usually are negativity, sloth, stress, anxiety, discontentment, anger, lack of confidence in the self and fear. An emotionally healthy person is easily able to identify these negative emotions from his/her surroundings, and can choose to weave a path directly avoiding these obstacles.

Improving one's emotional health actually means acknowledging these impediments, and then striving to conquer them through proper guidance and individual effort. One needs to make use of every resource available for this effort, including support from family and friends, inspirations from pears and expert advice. Emotionally healthy people show a greater resistance to negative emotions like pessimism, and are able to live their life to its very potential. Socially, these people are of great significance, as they can strike the right balance between effort and result, thereby fortifying the society as a whole. Last but not the least; emotionally healthy people are actually some of the most physically healthy people who remain young at heart, throughout their lives.