Brenda E. Spender

I have a couple of books illustrated by Brenda E. Spender, the following images are from "Important People" from 1930.
Her work has a special charm. She observes situations beautifully and her draughtsmanship is tops . Very inspiring!
The sketches look old fashioned , but in the best sense of the word. There is an honesty here, which of course is timeless. She would have made a great animator, her poses are full of character, like good animation key drawings.
I really don't know anything about her life, other than that she most likely was English, because this first edition was published in London.
Maybe some one knows about Brenda E. Spender and can educate us.

I remember Frank and Ollie using her work in one of their lectures as an example
of what to strive for when creating strong animation poses.