
A "blogthing" could be a piece of code, an image, a web service, a script or a "thing" that can be put on a blog. The purpose of adding a "blogthing" could be from making your blog visually appealing to extending the functionality and overall usefullness of the blog., offers Web polls, Hit Counter, Chat rooms, Photo Albums, Cartoons, E-Cards etc. for all free members.Get free web tools, click here

These are the blogthings that can be put on your blog:

More resources that Iam working on are

  • Monetizing your blog
  • Blog Quizzes
  • Blog Polls
  • Blog Messageboards and Blog Forums
  • Blog integeration with other popular services like google or yahoo services.
  • Blog Search, Blog Directories & Search forms on your blog.
  • Blog Icons
  • Blog Activism - Supporting social, enviromental and humanitarian issues using your blog.
  • and much more...
What blogthings can you expect to find here? All of the blogthings found here are free of cost for use in your blogs/website or atleast the partial features that they provide are for no cost. My recommended blogthings are included on top of the list of blog resources which I use myself or have used them before on my blog.