How to Add +1 Button to Blogs

Google's own version of "facebook like buttons", which helps visitors to recommend your blog/site. in their own words...
"...By adding the +1 button to your blog, you’re providing an easy way for your visitors to recommend your posts to their friends right from your blog. Here’s how it works: Let’s say you blog about biking. One of your readers, Tom, finds your recent post about mountain biking interesting, and clicks on the +1 button. Now, when Tom’s friends and contacts search for biking or mountain bikes and your post appears in Google search results, they might see an annotation showing that Tom +1’d your post, helping your content stand out." 
Following are the Instructions to get this button on your site.

Blogger/Blogspot Users
 To add the +1 button to your blog, you’ll need to enable Share buttons on Blogger. To do this, go to Design > Page Elements on your Blogger dashboard, find the Blog posts area, click on Edit, and select the “Show Share Buttons” option. If you are already using Share buttons, the +1 button will automatically show up as a new share option.

Other Blogs and Websites 
First, Go to the URL :
There are customization options for you, choose the size that suits your page, 

The code is generated in the textbox for you, If you are using classic templates(VERY OLD!), you need to place the first 2 lines in the head section and the remaining code has to be pasted where you want +1 button to appear.