
The Rules: list ten facts about yourself, link back to your tagger, and then tag five more people!

I was tagged by one of my favorite Bloggers, Fearless Lauren over at A Novella's Tale

1.- I Love Strawberries.

2.- I Love Lipgloss

3.- I make around 10 Poems a day. I only post one a month because it's the only one I end up liking x)

4.- I still don't have an ID....

5.-I could not sing to save my life.

6.- I am the proud owner of the two fattest chihuahuas you can imagine.

7.- I'm obsessed with flowers and pink. unconsciously.

8.- My current Favorite song is Lightweight by Demi Lovato

9.- My current Favorite movie is Elizabeth Town

10.- Yesterday I watched the "My Little Pony" Movie. yeah, the 90's one. the one I watched when I was little. Yup, I still have it. Yes, its a VHS.

I tag: I Would Rather Be Reading, Mint Tea and a Good Book, Read Away The Day, A Teen's Reads.