We See Fireworks in Edinburgh - Highlights

We had a wonderful time showing We See Fireworks in Edinburgh at the wonderfully eccentric and welcoming Museum of Edinburgh. Closeted in the upper most part of the 17th Century building we filled our beautiful Lecture Room space with flickering light and ghosted voices as over 600 people visited the installation to surround themselves with remembered performative encounters. We even had some reviewers take the trip along Canongate to visit us, read what The Herald and Three Weeks had to say...!
Our lightbulbs are now being carefully bubble-wrapped and shipped off to Grenswerk 11 in the Netherlands for a run from the 25 September to 2 October 2011. We will also be presenting the new film work of We See Fireworks as part of the Australian Theatre Forum 2011 from 14 - 16 September at Brisbane Powerhouse.