2010 Debut Author Challenge!

This is the first Time I'll be participating in the Debut Author Challenge! and I'm so excited to do so! You guys should also go over to The Story Siren [host] and sign up!


I am also joining The Midnight Bookworm with her Book Buying Ban, this is the first time I do this also, but I do hope it works well :) so right now I have a BIG TBR pile, so I won't be buying books until I finish 5. how does that sound? I can manage that, right?....... riiiiiiiiiiiiiight? I'll just have to stay away from libraries, Walmart, Target and also Marshall's... they apparently sell books there now. so yeah.... I need to go to Compulsive Book Buyers Anonymous. I'll probably be the President. he..... Ok, I'll be doing this for November and half of December, it comes Christmas and I am sooooo gonna buy books compulsively :D!

Oh and, I made one more button...

I just Love doing these ♥