Between Updates

 What I'm Reading:

So fat it's not bad. Good actually, except that I wish Katie - main character - would have more dignity. If a guy treats you like crap and shoves you across the room you don't go swooning after him! Seriously, that guy - Peter - is Bipolar. Period! *sigh* we'll see how it goes later....

 I'm Loving the Writing style! I thought it was going to be impossible to read, but no, in fact it is quite beautiful and simple, the story is reeeally getting under my skin :)

I've discovered some Blogs that I Loooove! You Must check them out:

Kindle Fever: I've know about this blog for a while now, but since last week I haven't been able to stop visiting!

The Magic Attic

Her Blog is super cute and she's a hopeless Romantic <3

Blog Love right here, she has great reviews, she supports other Bloggers and she also has random giveaways all the time! be sure to visit!